NEEL-IT – Named Entity rEcognition and Linking in Italian Tweets

Tweets represent a great wealth of information useful to understand recent trends and user behaviours in real-time. Usually, natural language processing techniques would be applied to such pieces of information in order to make them machine-understandable. Named Entity rEcongition and Linking (NEEL) is a particularly useful technique aiming at assigning semantics to a text. However, due to the noisy nature and shortness of tweets, this technique is more challenging in this context than elsewhere.

NEEL-IT at EVALITA 2016 has the vision to establish itself as a reference evaluation framework in the context of Italian tweets. In particular, consists of annotating each named entity mention (like people, locations, organizations, and products) in a text by linking it to a knowledge base (DBpedia).

Detailed guidelines, task materials and data sets for development, training and testing will be made available on the Task Website.


  • Pierpaolo Basile (Università di Bari Aldo Moro, Italy)
  • Annalina Caputo (Università di Bari Aldo Moro, Italy)
  • Anna Lisa Gentile (University of Mannheim, Germany)
  • Giuseppe Rizzo (Istituto Superiore Mario Boella, Italy)

