Technical Reports – Submission Instructions
Technical Reports will be published as official Proceedings of EVALITA 2023.
Submission must be electronic in PDF, using the OpenReview submission software:
All the reports must meet the following requirements:
- They must be written in English
- Camera-ready papers should be formatted following the CEUR-WS template for the 2-column style ( *Notice that the CEUR guidelines have been updated recently and are different starting from 2022. Please modify the template of your paper accordingly.*
- There is a *mandatory* requirement regarding the CEUR-ART style for writing papers to be published with CEUR-WS. For LaTeX users, an Overleaf page is available here: You can also download an offline version with the style files from It also contains DOCX template files.
- A regular paper *MUST* have at least 25.000 characters and an appropriate number of references. A short paper *MUST* have at least 17.500 characters and an appropriate number of references.
- Upload on the OpenReview page a ***ZIP file*** containing: 1) The PDF of the paper; 2) LaTeX or Doc/Docx source of the paper; 3) The CEUR AUTHOR AGREEMENT ***manually signed*** (MANDATORY!) chosen between:
- AUTHOR-AGREEMENT (NTP): Authors shall use this form if they included no copyrighted third party material in their paper text (or accompanying sources, datasets). This is the right variant in most cases.
- AUTHOR-AGREEMENT (TP): Authors shall use this form if they did include copyrighted third party material in their paper or accompanying material. They must then also attach a copy of the permission by the third party to use this material in the signed author agreement!
- For any other publishing doubt follow the CEUR publishing guide:
Participants should write one report for each task (with all the related sub-tasks) they participated in. Reports should contain (at least) the following sections:
- description of the system
- results
- discussion
- references
Task organizers are invited to include in their reports the following sections:
- motivation
- definition of the task
- dataset
- evaluation measures
- participation/results
- discussion
- references
- 14th –> 16th June 2023: final reports (from participants) due to task organizers
- 28th –> 30th June 2023: final reports (from task organizers) due to EVALITA chairs
- 10th –> 12th July 2023: (light) review deadline for all reports
- 25th July 2023: camera ready version deadline for all reports